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About Me

Name: Alvin
Age: 20
School: none
Education: none


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Saturday, April 29, 2006

My mind was filled with uncertainty. It had been a long time... a long time since my mind sauntered away from the norm, the usual practices... This was my time, the time which I had to do one thing and another, just to able to stand up straight, again.

I never feel the care, only the hatred in myself

I never feel gratified, only the ungratefulness

I never feel sane, only to feel the insanity

I never fall in love again

Ever since you walked away.

Ever since you walked away, my mind was blanked, my direction was altered, my life was in a mess, my head was spinning for eternity, my dreams all shattered, my aims all gone, my everything...

I never feel the same way again, never will I be revitalised with the enriched feeling you gave to me, never will I find another someone...

Even if she has crossed my life just once, and woke me up from my dream.

If she walks through my life again, the rejuvenation will be likely felt, for I foresee, I will wake up from my endless torment dream, the repercussions of losing you...

Walk into my life, again...

Rambled by kaSh at 1:51 am

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Come to think of it, I think I am really dumb.

Since when did I not respect others for their abilities, personalities, characters, blah blah blah.

When must I brood over such nonsense?

At least I have the brains to think.

Perhaps not every person will understand how each individual feel, how each of us (me) will react, will respond. And I am kinda sick and tired (as usual) of explaining my actions, which deem "undesirable" to some people and yet, not to others.

If everyone feels uncomfortable around me, I will know. The thing is, it is not me, the cause may be just you.

Some people just need some proper education. Well, at least the correct ones.

Rambled by kaSh at 2:02 am

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Whenever I scolded someone, anyone, I would sit back and think: Am I doing the right thing? I don't know. I am soft hearted... really soft hearted... I cannot bear to shout at someone doing something wrong. It is just not me... I tried to refrain from arguing most of the times. The reason is I do not want to engage one. But when things start to go too far, I do not know what to do. I wanted to scold, wanted to reprimand, but it just does not seem right for me, I prefer myself as someone cheerful, bear no grudges, happy-go-lucky kind of person...

I never wanted to show my rank. Never had I have the intention to do that. But sometimes things just get out of reach. Things will go beyond the words from a soft heart, soothin voice. I tried, I really really tried to control my temper, to refrain myself from quarreling, from making someone unhappy, from scolding someone for doing wrong things, from doing bad stuff...

I do not know. Sometimes I just feel that I ain't myself. I asked myself why do I always regret the actions that I have done rightfully? Why do I have to resort into a loud shout towards the others when I could speak nicely to them? Why? Am I really doing the correct thing?

Because I believe in harmony, I do not want to shout at anyone. But things are just... overboard. My ear... it is the most fragile part of my body... I cannot stand my ear even being touched... Yes, it was a long history dated back 8 years ago when I had this operation and it has not recovered up till now..

Definitely I can take jokes, but not at the expense of my ear...

I do not suit into the category of "fierce looking guy", because I want to be nice all the time... that is all it takes just to make the world a better place, rather than living under the miserable roof, knowing your colleagues are gaining control over you. I prefer to work in harmony, I prefer to call them "friends" instead of mere colleagues, I prefer to forgo the hierachy system. When we have a job to do, we do together as one.

My intention was never bad. It was just to irritating.

Rambled by kaSh at 7:03 pm

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Let's see:

2 rackets - $150
protein powder - #75
concert tickets - $20
driving lessons - $66
drinking - $27
taxi services - $25
miscellanous - $40

Total - $406

That's my monthly pay, gone in a week. =)

Rambled by kaSh at 6:01 pm

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ok. This is a new blog skin. At least it looked nicer than the previous one and I thought it was ok only. Oh well.

Rambled by kaSh at 2:14 am

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I know my blog skin looks like shiet. So if you have any suggestions on some nice blog skins which suits me, please do link me. Thanks alot =)

Anyways my ear condition just came back again. And I had 2 days of MC, which of course explains why I have the time to type some nonsense here, again. Doubt anyone reads it though.

Ok I am off. Nothing much to update. No life, no love life, no friends, no society involvement, no nothing. Sad.

Rambled by kaSh at 1:31 pm

Chat Box!

My friends
Hsi En
Qiu Hui Chewy

Hui Qi
Shu Ting
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June Yong
Jiun Pey
Aik Meng
Wan Ling
Hui Ling
Li Hui Ah Zai

Yin Jie
Lee Shyuan
Wei Luo
Way Chin
Hui Ying
Yen Wei
Cheng Chong
Chun Pei
Shi Rui
Bert Shu Hao

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