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Name: Alvin
Age: 20
School: none
Education: none


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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It was a long time since I had so much fun. The chalet was great, really really nice. I loved the company, companies of people who I never met, and they walked into my life for the first time, and we enjoyed every single bit of it.

Although I was not of much help, at least I loved the company, the ambience, the things we had done. Just the company alone, it was great, it was marvelous, it was beyond words. These are the people who I do not really know, for all I do with them was only to play wit them every evening, and it turned out to be, so really nice of them.

There goes the end of my 3 week break. It was bad. I was home bound, I could not go out at all. All I can do was to play and sleep. It sucked. Up till now I still cannot work out, I cannot go the gym and torture myself like I always do, I cannot go for evening runs to sweat myself out. I feel so weak.

As much as I want you so badly, I ain't just ready to accept it. Let it all flow with the arrow of time...

For as much as it has to be, it has to be like this.

Rambled by kaSh at 8:38 pm

Friday, June 02, 2006

With regards to everything..

I know that I am hot tempered,

I know that I am unreasonable,

I know that I am ungentlemanly,

I know that I always show my temper around,

I know that I am the most selfish person ever.

For the sake of everyone..

I am changing, I am still trying...

Bear with me...

Rambled by kaSh at 1:51 pm

I've just jumped into a conclusion:

Ex-es and flings can never be friends again.

Yes. You know why? Because,

You do not know what to do when you see them on the streets with their boyfriends, or when you are with you girlfriend

You do not know what to say to get back something you left at her place a few months ago

You do not know what to do when you are alone one fine day at a restuarant, spotting her opposite of you

And somehow or rather you will feel like killing his/her current steady

And even if you DO get to date her out again, there isn't much to say, especially on the way to bus stops/train stations and the way home; which leads to you cannot do anything which you all once did without even care who is looking at you

Those photos? How? Are you going to burn it? It was part of your life, your big chapter which brought you to what you are today.

And you do not know what to do with those letters from your present steady.

And the phrase "How are you" seems to be the hardest question to ask.

This is crap.

Rambled by kaSh at 1:21 am

Chat Box!

My friends
Hsi En
Qiu Hui Chewy

Hui Qi
Shu Ting
Zhi Wei
June Yong
Jiun Pey
Aik Meng
Wan Ling
Hui Ling
Li Hui Ah Zai

Yin Jie
Lee Shyuan
Wei Luo
Way Chin
Hui Ying
Yen Wei
Cheng Chong
Chun Pei
Shi Rui
Bert Shu Hao

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